The Kea's Nest

The Kea is a well known, cheeky, mountain parrot from New Zealand. What better name to take for myself to comment on the funny drawings I find online?

Saturday, August 05, 2006

No excuses but one thousand apologies.

Man, what a week (ish) to get overwhelmed with my own stuff. I am in the early stages of training to be a teacher and discovering its even more intimidating than I had anticipated. And being stuck without resources due to a missing order form. Incidentally, this will likely mean I'll be missing some updates during my in-school experience in a month.

Anyway, it couldn't have come at a more momentous time. I'll just run through the things I wish I'd noted during the time off and had a chance to think about and talk about.

PVP won an Eisner.
Yirmumah's D.J. won the Comic Book Challenge.
Eric Burns stepped away from that Modern Tales thing and hopefully will be getting order in his life back soon.
Least I Could Do had Fraggles(!).

Once again, I'm sorry I've missed out on posting for so long and don't have a chance to really talk about those events. Suffice to say that they are all amazing acheivments (or noteworthy events anyway) and there's going to be a lot to look foreward to next week, (including, hopefully, a proper review of a new comic I've been reading).


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